Surviving and Understanding Groups
Tariki Trust, online event Wed, 31 May and Wed 14 Jun 2023, 13:00 - 16:00 GMT / 15:00-18.00 Helsinki
Do you work with groups? Or are you interested in Group Ecotherapy? Do you find yourself fascinated by the dynamics that come alive in a group, but at the same time dread the idea of being faced with the unconscious forces? Groups are indeed, a phenomenon with polarities. They can be a threat or a possibility, destructive or highly creative and strengthening for the participants. When built and worked with in an informed way, the group is an incredibly healing modality for humans. It is the most natural context for safety, support and encouragement to become who we truly are - perfect for Ecotherapy work.
In this double workshop we will explore the Psychodynamic Group Theory in a digestible and interesting way. We will apply it into real group situations to develop an understanding of the phenomena, and useful group interventions will be learned for bringing group balance back when it tilts too much to one side or the other. A Mentalization Based Approach to group work will be introduced, and participation in "Mentalization as our Human-Animal Superpower" will deepen learning (not a prerequisite).
This event happens over two workshops and the dates are Wednesday 31st May and Wednesday 14th June.
Although this series is part of the Ten Directions training course for ecotherapy practitioners, anybody can book and take part in this public online course. If you are interested, please do buy a ticket.